Monday, November 25, 2013

i'm nearly 33. that puts me on a cusp as far as these stats go. but they're arbitrary in how they cut generations in half. there are some characteristics that make me a "millennial", like the role of the internet in my life. but the internet was very different when i was 15 than it was five or ten years ago.

i get along better with people that are 43 than with people that are 23. that's not just a maturity issue. it has more to do with common interests. music. politics. outlook. perspective. hobbies. i'm both the first millennial and the last punk, but i'm more of a punk.

so, i'm often attacking the kids like a bitter old woman. most of what i say is true....

....but they're not to blame for the economic situation. this is systemic. and it wouldn't have happened if the real villains here - the boomers - hadn't let the world go to shit in a haze of 80s cocaine binges.