Monday, December 2, 2013

how do they get away with printing this shit?

"But of course Iran is not Japan -- a peaceful, stable democracy aligned with the West. It is a bloody-minded, terror-sponsoring, hegemony-seeking revisionist power that has serially violated its non-proliferation commitments and which aims to destroy Israel, drive America out of the Middle East, and bring down the House of Saud.

Whether or not President Obama fully appreciates that distinction, the Saudis most definitely do."

the saudis, on the other hand, are a paragon of rights and virtues?


if this administration wants to demonstrate that it has a shred of decency and credibility, it should extend the sanctions regime to the saudis - who really *are* everything the propaganda machine spews out about iran, and worse.

the idea of crackpot wahhabi extremists with their fingers on the button is infinitely more startling.