it doesn't seem to matter what i do, that crushing feeling of
emptiness is periodically inevitable. it's tied into realizing that the
meaning i've temporarily tricked myself into creating is entirely
constructed. and, getting out of it for another few days is a process
that requires fooling myself once again. sometimes, i look back and
actually cry about how trivial my motivations are. but they're the only
motivations i have...
i don't need drugs. i'm not
malfunctioning. i've come to a series of careful, reasoned conclusions
and if you allow me the space to lay my arguments out i could very well
convince the cheeriest people alive of these empty feelings that they
seem to be oblivious to. to me, that's the head-scratching part of it. i
really don't understand how so many people can be so happy - or bother
pretending they're so happy - in the face of so much pointlessness. i
don't want to understand this, either, as i feel it would necessarily
require destroying a substantial number of brain cells.
should have killed myself a long time ago, but i can't even really work
up the nerve of even that. what's the point of suicide? i mean, these
fleeting moments of contrived happiness, as well as these constant
trials with myself, are surely more valuable than nothing at all? i'm
most content when i ignore purpose and just exist. but i just can't come
to terms with that in more than isolated stretches. i'm just constantly
right now i'm mad at myself for it. i'm
usually not. but right now i know i have to take advantage of this small
period of freedom before it disappears. i can't be depressed or wasting
my time thinking about what comes next (as though it matters, right?
but these kinds of delusions are fundamental to building up any kind of
motivation). i can't be losing myself in plans. the uncertainty, though,
is gnawing.
what would i even do with this time period
if i were using it to focus on the future like i'm supposed to be
doing? i'm privileged enough to be able to re-educate myself largely as i
see fit, but i've basically systematically ruled out any possible
professional designation as a process of intellectually enslaving
myself. the reason intellectual work is supposed to be more rewarding is
that it provides for some freedom of thought, but that doesn't work
when you can't get beyond any existing system of axioms without an
objection that is so strong as to require mutiny. i'd actually have to
suppress my views less as a wage slave than as a lawyer or a professor.
there's no intellectual freedom there, there's no garden to frolic in -
there's just the repetition of lies, the observance of conformity and
the problem of cognitive dissonance.
i can't do
tradeswork. i lack things like physical strength and motor skills. and i
couldn't market a steak to a starving person.
so it's a
process of looking forward to the reestablishment of my own
enslavement, or getting lucky in extending my existing conditions. and
why bother preparing for that? why not just hope you get lucky, and deal
with the consequences if you don't?
there's no possible happy ending, it's just different levels of enslavement.
realize they're going to throw it at me. "we gave you two years on
disability to recover from a mental breakdown, and you wasted it in a
scorched earth policy at carleton, followed by moving to the worst job
market in the country and sitting around listening to music?"
well, yeah. it might be the last opportunity i get.