Wednesday, January 29, 2014

seine vikings

seine vikings

appearance: c. 800
ascendancy: vikings

the seine vikings were considered to be "danes", but how literally true that is is up to some interpretation. the initial attacks on charlemagne's empire may have been in retaliation for trying to conquer the world, or it may have been due to climate, or it could be a combination of the two. however, it seems that the group of vikings that actually settled in the seine came to the region some years later via the "great heathen army" that annoyed england for much of the ninth century, and was eventually defeated by alfred of wessex. that would make this a mixed group of people, although the commanders were said to be ynglingas in descent from ragnar lodbrok. the conventional history is to think of them primarily as danes.

rollo may, however, have been a vestfoldian viking. this is lost to history. tancred was said to be an ally of rollo.

descendancy: rollo
descendancy: tancred

[1]: anglo-saxon chronicles, 880-920