Thursday, July 3, 2014

but, aboriginal title is not sovereign land rights. it's just a special type of fief. and, the ruling states that the crown maintains veto over the process, in the end.

they've been doing this for years. it's all a smokescreen. and it's actually directed more at making white settlers feel good about themselves than it is towards any real aboriginal land rights.

of course, some aboriginal activists will want to spin it as positively as they can, under the misguided view that if they push hard enough then the courts will eventually give in. but, that's exactly what the system wants them to do.

just to clarify.

the way this will work now is like this:

1) the developer will seek consent. if granted, it will be recorded forever. this helps developers regarding ambiguities - it constructs a real contract out of the process.

2) if not granted, the province will declare that it's in the public interest and attack the first nations groups for not behaving in the public interest.

the difference is consequently merely that they're forcing the natives to sign contracts, to clarify the process.