Thursday, July 3, 2014

Tammy Sanford-Banks
No, they do not need transgender Medicaid-they need to stop trying to be something they are not, and get a job. Medicaid is for needy people with real health problems, not for the reason that was given for Medicare now paying for sexual reassignment surgery, "they feel uncomfortable." Really??? Are they going to pay for skin lightening for the black that wants to be white? Are they going to start paying for whites to go tanning because they want to be dark? Are they going to pay for facelifts for the old who want to be young? Are they going to pay for breast implants for the small breasted who wants to be large breasted??? NO!!! They should not be paying for any of this. Payment should be made for things like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, accidental injury. Real actual medical problems, not helping people avoid accepting their lot in life and dealing with it. But, they'll get it. They'll have all this needless crap paid for by the government who already can't sustain what they are taking responsibility for, becoming this nanny state. And I must restate, get a fricking job and pay for your own needless "medical" crap.

Tammy, you can't deny basic healthcare to someone just because they're poor. 

Tammy Sanford-Banks
Gender confusion is not basic healthcare. They need mental healthcare. Medicaid is for basic healthcare of the poor, not to perpetuate freakdom.

The human population is diverse.  Some people are born with XY chromosomes and female bodies.  That's called Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS).  These biological descriptions are not randomly chosen by people because they are crazy.  They're just the way these people are, from birth. 

Transgender girls often realize that they are girls starting when they are four or five years old.  It's not something the parent grooms the child into.  It's something the child informs the parent about.  

We have to allow people to be what they really are and trans women really are women.  And trans men really are men. 

Tammy Sanford-Banks
OMFG, please. Are you serious right now? Yes, obviously there are true medical situations where there are genetic defects. This all falls in line with the whole LGBT crap. Being a "man" or a "woman" here in America is one way of doing it. Let's look at gender in say, African tribe, where wearing a dress and make up isn't what makes someone a woman. If you have a man who THINKS he's really a woman, besides wearing a dress and make-up, what would be different in their day??? Nothing.

i don't usually reply to these sort of things, but i need to reply to this.

part of being transgendered means being unable to live properly in the gender role that correlates "naturally" with birth sex. i've transitioned fairly late in life, and need to stress how i was incapable of "being a man" in a social setting. i wasn't able to maintain many friendships with either gender, and found myself stuck to the bottom of the social hierarchy in the few jobs i was able to find.

on the one hand, it obviously doesn't affect the mechanics of the job, and the common-sense conservative will normally stop thinking about it there. what gender i identified as didn't affect whether i was able to pick up a phone and talk into it or not. obviously. however, it did affect how i was able to connect with clients on a face-to-face basis, how i was able to relate to colleagues and how i was able to exist within the workplace's hierarchy.

it's not as simple as "getting a haircut". it's a personality issue. the vast majority of jobs that exist - from waiting tables to flipping burgers to closing business deals - expect a certain level of "manliness" from men that i was not able to provide. as i was not able to provide that, i was routinely passed over for other candidates that were able to do so. nor, of course, was i able to compete for traditionally female gender roles, as much of it is appearance based and i was born with the wrong set of hormones.

whatever you want to derive the mismatch from, you have to understand that it is real. i was not able to fulfill a male gender role because i do not think, act or behave in a masculine fashion; i was not able to fulfill a female gender role because i did not have the physical attributes required to do so. without being able to find a role to fill, finding a job is very difficult.

if we want to be really strictly logical, that means i actually had two types of treatment available. i could either undergo psychological treatment to modify my personality so it was more traditionally masculine, or i could undergo hormone therapy to modify my appearance so that it was more traditionally feminine. i don't see any reason to think that the psychological treatment would be more effective or cost less money; to the contrary, studies have shown pretty strenuously that you can't really change somebody's personality. you can, on the other hand, change somebody's physical appearance.

it follows that, for me, and countless others, the hormone therapy is necessary to remove the obstacles that are preventing me from finding employment, because i was never going to find a stable job in a male role.