Sunday, January 18, 2015

you gotta check the genes, dude. and it adds up. sort of. there's a lot of white and a lot of native in there, too. but the dominant genes in african americans are the same as the dominant genes in western africa, and they're not found elsewhere. these are very different than the genetics connected to the austronesian migration across the pacific, or the native american genes. demonstrating a physical similarity to austronesians is not useful in suggesting a native american ancestry.

the similarity is the result of plasticity, which is very high when it comes to bone morphology. so, you'll notice that the indigenous people of brazil would also fit your test fairly well, as they look similar to polynesian peoples. yet, they are not genetically related. rather, this is the result of everybody living in a rainforest.

if you grabbed some people from sweden and made them live in the rainforest, it wouldn't take more than a few generations for the same traits to develop. you can already see this rather clearly with the skin tone of californians of scandinavian descent.

you're right about arabs invading malaysia, though.

wait, is this some kind of mormonism or something?