Thursday, March 19, 2015

it's a good idea gone wrong.

first of all, i'm going to state the obvious, which is eluding people: if the union movement was succeeding, this couldn't happen. it's a reflection of the failure of unions as a tactic. but this has been gone over repeatedly: it's the hierarchical nature of the union. the reduction of union to management. it defeats the point. now, workers are paying two management classes instead of one, and getting screwed over nearly as badly.

what they're describing here is a type of parasitism. it's ambulance chasing. they bargain the wages up 50%, then take half the increase. that's as capitalistic and thieving as any other management class. after a few years of inflation, they really are just stealing money from workers, and ought to be thrown off like any other management class.

unions need to be run by workers, or they're inevitably just reduced to co-opted shadow management pushing for the status quo. hopefully, this ruling will help light a fire under workers and resurrect the diy attitude they need to fight to abolish management altogether.