Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Yul Hubbart
Enough said.

+Yul Hubbart it's legitimately one of the drawbacks of a clinton presidency. her tolerance for certain types of oppression in certain types of regimes is likely to be very low. it's not just liberal interventionism, it's liberal interventionism with a self-righteous level of vengeance that the world has never really seen.

bush spoke of a "new world order", but it was just a front for the expansion of american power. hillary actually means it.

so, don't want to treat your female citizens like people? want to stone homosexuals? want to abuse your children? hillary's got some badass wrath for that kind of bullshit. prepare to be obliterated.

i'm still unsure how i really feel about this. but those that are expecting a peaceful clinton regime with minimal foreign adventures know not what they vote for. there's all kinds of assholes out there...