Thursday, July 30, 2015

if you do the research, you find startling connections between the eec and the remnants of post-war fascism. almost as though they saw the german occupation as a kind of pax germanica.

i've entertained notions that this is by design, but it doesn't seem to add up. the right-wing block actually seems to have strangely close ties to russia. that's inconsistent with this idea. the destabilization seems real, and the russians are helping with it.

if there's a parallel, it's closer to a replay of the german occupation of greece. same kind of looting. but it's ultimately failed neo-liberalism. forget about the outcomes of austerity being predictable. this was predictable from the establishment of the euro - or at least was to people who hadn't drunk the kool-aid. and, i think a lot of people legitimately drank from that chalice, and expected this experiment in the gold standard to have a different result.

that said, i'd remind people that europe had repeated opportunities to accept a political union, which was a necessary corollary to the establishment of the euro, and that a political union could have prevented this. the greeks ratified this. it's not their fault. but bankers are assholes. and, i'm not willing to rule out the idea that the elite may have decided to unite the continent by force as a consequence of it's refusal to rubber stamp their initiatives.