Saturday, September 12, 2015

Ron Kelly
Hyer says that his "first loyalty is to my constituents and the people who elected me." But they elected him as an NDP candidate, not as a Green candidate or an Independent candidate. If his loyalty is to the voters, then he owes them a chance in a subsequent byelection to either elect him as a Green candidate or elect some other candidate. Telling your voters that you represent one party and then, without their consent or approval, switching to another party is hardly what most people would consider a display of loyalty!

John Northey
Howsabout having all NDP MP's resign once Mulcair was picked as leader since many voted for Jack Layton's NDP not Mulcair's. That is a bigger issue than Hyer leaving due to locals wanting him to keep voting as he had always voted.

Ron Kelly
John Northey, it's not Mulcair's NDP and it wasn't Layton's NDP. It's the members' NDP. And that hasn't changed! And if Hyer didn't want to vote as the NDP and its members wanted him to then he shouldn't have asked them to let him be their candidate. I doubt very much if he sought the NDP candidacy with the slogan: "Choose me so I can ignore what you want me to do!".

jessica amber murray
actually, it has changed pretty dramatically. the 2013 convention resolutions have been thrown in the dustbin; mulcair has demonstrated nothing but contempt for where his members sit, and has instead just made things up as he's gone along.

be prepared to be shocked by their platform. it won't be recognizable as an ndp document.