Friday, October 2, 2015

Animal Farm
only Justin Trudeau has the guts to stand up for a woman's right to choose. Harper and all his niqab BS refuses to declare his stance. he cares nothing about women's rights and everything about the politics of fear and bigotry.

I'm not a Harper supporter but Harper has killed a number of Bills from his own party on banning abortion. He even set up world wide clinics and paid for it so that women can do it safely around the world.

jessica murray
harper has actually cut funding for what is called "family planning" overseas. this is an extremely complex issue that has to take into account a variety of factors on both perspectives that are outside of the traditional western debate on the sanctity of life: the legacy of colonialism, the effects of local culture (including the import of colonial religions), global overpopulation, contraception, the greater prevalence of rape and general lack of gender equality, etc. i'd feel most comfortable with a policy that seeks to encourage changes in local governance, and pushes for contraception over abortion. but, i'm not comfortable with pulling funding for abortion on the basis of pulling funding for abortion, either.

that said, i'm not really concerned about harper regarding the question of abortion rights in canada. i *am* concerned about jason kenney, though. and, harper has indicated that he will not carry out this term. voters should not be lulled into a sense of complacency regarding harper's insistence on short-term moderation on social issues, while he tries to change the culture from the top down to create great public support for his policies. his successor will not be so patient.