Friday, January 8, 2016

I think some of us have our priorities really screwed up:

Unemployed at 7%,
dollar at $0.71,
Healthcare underfunded,
100,000 Canadians living on the street,
2,500 vets living on the street,
Native Canadians drinking filthy water,
Economy, due to oil price in the toilet,
Federal debit growing higher,
Ontario Electrical power 2.5X that of USA,
Manufacturing leaving Canada in droves,

but lets make sure we get our pot into corner stores.......really?

Jessica Murray
legalizing marijuana will create a lot of jobs - and not just in the recreational industry. there's huge possibilities for spin-off jobs.

the status quo has us continually destroying billions of dollars worth of valuable fiber that could be used for plastics, papers, clothing, fuel and all kinds of other things. the entire plant is valuable. but, producers today just take the buds and destroy the rest of it.

the long term focus needs to be on reversing the petro state that harper let take control, whether due to design or to incompetence. oil has a limited future, altogether. expensive oil has no future at all.

marijuana is the future. oil is the past.