Friday, March 25, 2016

j reacts to being misinterpreted as a millenial (and not liking it)

i just want to remind people that i identify as gen x, i've always identified as gen x and i've never claimed otherwise. in fact, what i have claimed on multiple occasions is that i feel a very large generational gap with millennials, and have always had a very hard time understanding them.

i've pointed out repeatedly that i'm on the cusp. which means i don't actually have a generation. i'm too old to be a millennial, and they've always seemed weird and distant to me. gen x has always made more sense, and so i've always identified that way, but i do realize that i'm too young to really be gen x.

the point is that i want to be clear about what my audience is: both for my music and for my vlogs. i'm not quite middle-aged, but i nearly am. i'm not making any particular attempt to appeal to young people. i would expect that both my music and it's marketing will appeal to an above 30 audience, and not an under 30 audience. it's about a 30-50 demographic that is most likely to find the various things i do interesting. this is the cusp, plus the latter half of gen x.

so, if you're a younger person and you think i'm out of touch, that's ok. i would agree that you're probably right. and, i'm not particularly upset by it; i wasn't interested in being the cool kid when i was your age, and i'm not interested in being the cool kid now, either. older people don't need your approval to exist. and, realize i was on usenet before you could walk...