Friday, April 22, 2016

j reacts to the cluelessness of voting for hillary explicitly to stop trump

but, i just want to remind you: over the next few months, you're going to hear all kinds of horrible things about donald trump. and, most of them will be true, on at least some level. but, what you're not going to hear - and are going to have to constantly remind yourself - is that almost all of it applies equally well to clinton.

so, for example, consider the border fence. terrible policy, sure. but, clinton's policy is, in fact, essentially identical. she's a lot less crude about it, but she favours continuing obama's mass deportation policies. one candidate is being sold to white xenophobes that blame minorities for class inequality, whereas the other is being sold to minority voters that blame white people for class inequality (see the trick, there?). but, the policies are not actually meaningfully different. if you're not fully expecting clinton to deport even more people than obama, you're not paying attention.

or, you could look at iran. hillary is, in fact, itching to bomb iran. she's entirely in line with john mccain and dick cheney. absolute neo-con. there is a difference in appearance: she knows a little about the situation, whereas trump is just trying to sound tough. there's no reason to expect any real substantive policy difference.

and you can go down this list for a while. you won't pull out much of a difference. the few things where there is a difference (trade, war) maybe ought to lean you towards trump - if you're an actual leftist, that is, and don't just like wearing the shirt and the hipster status attached to it.

so, i mean, if you don't like trump that's fine. i don't like him either. i couldn't imagine voting for him. just make sure you know where hillary stands before you vote for her, against trump - because you might be disappointed when you get exactly what you voted against.

but, maybe you still think obama is a peace candidate, too? you should have never thought that. he couldn't have been more clear.