Saturday, April 23, 2016

j reacts to the relevance of chris hedges in the current election cycle

i'm not exactly a fan of chris hedges. in fact, he tends to piss me off. he's a smart guy and everything, and his heart is often in the right place, but he carries around a lot of class supremacy with him. he tries to hide it, bit he's also a bit of a religious fundamentalist on certain issues. overall, he's legitimately a good spokesperson for the modern american pseudo-left - even if i constantly find these tendencies to be almost enraging.

i was just watching this as i was eating, and i think it's topical insofar as the current election is concerned, specifically regarding the "bernie or bust argument". he's essentially laying out the likely outcome of a trump presidency.

more broadly, and i hadn't thought of this until now, but if you're familiar with some of his recent writing, it really is fairly interesting in the context of a potential trump presidency.

so, there's plenty of people arguing that maybe we should just step back and let it happen - that it's a better alternative than just letting hillary drag this corpse of america around for another eight years. i think hedges is actually a good source to consult regarding what might actually happen, should this tactic be adopted. and, this is really just a tease of it.

if i'm selling books for hedges, i'll reiterate that he's a little bit unstable at times and his arrogance can tend to really piss me off. but, he's probably pretty close to right regarding this specific thing.