Sunday, June 19, 2016

19-06-2016: j reacts to the clinton machine's strategic objective to destroy bernie sanders

he shouldn't back down from this.

if the black caucus wants to uphold an undemocratic process for their own benefit, let them do that.

i think the focus should be making them articulate that, not buckling to "minority rights".

the reality is that the black caucus is pretty much the most conservative wing of the whole party. they're not allies of anybody but the establishment and the status quo. not only should he not shy away from articulating this, but he should accentuate his articulation of this - with the end goal of black caucus replacement.

what has the black caucus done for blacks recently? not a whole lot. get that out there. get some turnover.

so, if they want to go after him for the purposes of media optics, he should take them on. first, he doesn't really have a choice. second, it's a noble goal, anyways.

and if the party splits? so be it. i'm sick of right-wing democrats, and i realize that the black vote is a big part of the reason that we have such a hard time getting a liberal nominee. that split might be required to get a serious liberal nominee, and if it is i'll take the split over the big tent. the big tent is a dead end...

i think he can get some turnover - or at least be a serious enough of a threat for turnover to get them to back down.

i need to be clear: if he can get some turnover in the black caucus and force it to the left, it could be the single most important thing he accomplishes.

go after them.