Monday, September 12, 2016

this is the most patriarchal song i've ever heard. she is literally reducing herself to an object to be purchased on the market as a commodity.

let's think this through...

what she's saying is that the reasons they broke up would not have applied if they were married. it's hard to understand how this is the case unless she's acknowledging that the contract is non-refundable.

chances are that if they would have broken up over something when they weren't married, they would have still broken up over the same thing if they were married.

then, she says that the male (presumably) in the song has no right to get angry, because they're not together anymore. this implies that he would have a right to get upset if they had been previously married.

how about this: it doesn't matter if a woman is married or not, she still has the right to do what she wants.

nah. that might upset advertisers. just put a ring on it. and lock the door.