Wednesday, November 30, 2016

and, for you people that think the democrats need to "get rid of identity politics"...

...that means what, exactly? running a candidate that says black children are super-predators, wants to deport latino children to south america and refuses to back gay equality until the last minute?

i mean, you lose because minority support is less than expected, and you want less minority voters? what?

i think what that actually means is that the democrats need to attract more white voters, and it's a kind of coded way to suggest that they should be more racist. but, i guess you weren't paying attention. because, hillary blew that dog whistle fairly often. and, unlike trump, she has a policy record to back it up.

i think there's a valid idea hidden in there, though, and that idea begins with the understanding that what the republicans have been doing with white voters is, in fact, just identity politics. the democrats have spent a lot of resources creating these minority-based identity politics. the republicans went for the mother of all demographics, and created an identity politics of the white christian. voter suppression or not, it clearly worked.

now, we're left face to face with the problem that the left has known all along: we have to change the nature of  "white identity" in america. that's basically the mission of the left anyways.

it's not impossible, either. we've largely won this fight in canada. and, back in the 90s, it sure looked like the white liberal was winning the culture war in america, too.

and, that may the ultimate conclusion, here: the culture war that so many of us thought was over actually isn't. in the end, it may be a last gasp of a dying generation. but, it's not wise to make that assumption. rather, it seems like there's still a lot of battles to be fought and won.


it's just, like...

i'm white. yeah. i know it. i know it affects cultural decisions. who i spend time with. etc.

but, i'm secular. that probably has a lot do with the rest of my views.

i'm not economically well-off, either - although i have no interest in competing and am happy to live in poverty in exchange for freedom from labour.

so, i'm a lower class white voter. i'm an atheist. and i'm educated. but, i'm still white and lower class.

and i simply don't have a desire to live in a culture full of other people like me. that strikes me as very boring. this insularism is foreign to me. it can't be inherent.

i don't feel attracted to other white people. it could partly be because i know that so many other white people are conservative and christian and capitalist. sure. but, that solidarity is not there.

rather, i feel that solidarity over class. i feel it over ideology. i feel it over musical taste, as silly as that may be. and, those are categories that transcend skin colour.

i don't think i'm an anomaly. i just think i'm a product of a different culture. and, i can only look to america and say "this cannot be inherent. this cannot be permanent. this cannot be static. because the rest of the world is not like this."