Wednesday, January 25, 2017

so, how much are california strawberries going to cost if field labour is $15/hr?

it's a broken system all around, no doubt. nobody wants to maintain the existing system of virtual slave labour in california agriculture. but, the idea of cutting migrant labour off is so devastating as shock therapy that it remains inconceivable.

i never thought i'd say it, but it's a good thing that we inked that deal with europe. we may need it for food security.

and, the fact that nobody is even discussing the issue as one of food security is just astounding to me. it's not even in the list of debates. i mean, i get that it's something that the broad public isn't supposed to understand. but, they're kind of going to have to understand this, now, whether the producers and the politicians like it or not.

again: it's just inconceivable. i've asked for hard numbers on this and can't get them, but the price of food is bound to go up by something like 400-500% - and that's before the shortages hit. the idea that the government could purposefully promote a policy with that kind of consequence is impossible to comprehend.

you have to expect that this wall is going to have a lot of holes in it. and, check the funding for clues on this. if (when...) it comes in at a tenth of the expected cost, you'll be able to draw the obvious conclusions.

i still think that, at the end of the day, americans will believe a wall exists. and, hopefully, that's actually a blessing in disguise.