Wednesday, January 4, 2017

so, what he's saying is that they're planning on building less fuel efficient vehicles and more gas guzzlers, due to market demand.


"but, jobs!"


listen: if your life goal is to work in a car factory in order to procreate, then i consider you fucking pathetic.

that said, trump could potentially take more credit for this than the detractors are suggesting, if you factor in the premise that it's based on the projection that the market will be for less fuel efficiency due to lower gas prices as a consequence of policies to keep gas prices low.

but, as was the case with the call centres coming back due to increasing american xenophobia, this is not something i'd personally want to take credit for or something that trump should be proud of - although i'm sure he is, because the idea of a changing climate is just all a chinese plot, anyways.

more broadly speaking, it's a great example of the right's tendency to sacrifice everything on the altar of "job creation". it's regressive, in the long run.