Friday, February 10, 2017

but, i just want to be clear: i'm not going to argue against the term "black lives matter". i think it's a stupid, semantic debate. they could have done themselves a favour and picked a different slogan; i've suggested "black lives matter, too.". but, the logic is that if you really think that all lives matter then you shouldn't have a problem stating that "black lives matter", even if you append an *.

if XCY and Y==T then X==T.

very simple concept.

what bothers me about them is that they're fucking foucauldians: they're burkean conservatives hiding behind a bunch of absurd language. the idea that black lives matter (too) is maybe the only thing i'll agree with them on.

....that and, as mentioned, i'm fully cognizant of the reality that these multi-chapter groups are all police fronts. which is not to say that some of them aren't real people, so much as to point out that it isn't a real protest movement.