Friday, February 10, 2017

yeah. i've seen this language before. so, i'm going to translate this for you...

the blm movement is a data mining operation that is infested with cops, who have decided that they no longer want to be involved with the pride festival because they're a bunch of homophobic conservatives. the next step will be to remove funding from city council.

i don't have an opinion: i avoid pride like the plague that it is, and think it probably broadly counteracts queer interests. what pride is is a way for the business community to advertise their inclusiveness, largely at the annoyance of the general population. the money that comes into the festival is mostly from large corporations with nefarious operations. given the context, it's consequently actually probably useful to let the cops participate.

but, i mean, this is typical of foucauldians: they never make any sense. if they're going to protest police involvement on the grounds that it's a type of  "queerwashing", they should be protesting the entire festival from the top down.

i mean, look at these sponsors:

manulife. td. olg. and, you go after the cops? what an absurd farce. or, at least, it would be if it wasn't so obviously false flag.

besides - don't they have any workplaces to organize? well, i suppose they would if they weren't cops, right...