Tuesday, February 21, 2017

i was in general support of the refugee ban, but i oppose the deportation of illegal migrants.

the republicans tend to frequently make this error, because they focus so much on supply-side economics. a lot of what's wrong with how they think reduces to this simple error: you don't solve a problem by reducing the supply of a good, you solve it by attacking the demand for it.

consider the war on drugs. a massive failure, by any analysis. why? because they focused on reducing supply, rather than putting together social programs that restricted demand. and how fucking hard can it be to reduce demand for fucking heroin, anyways?

if this actually goes through, one of the effects is going to be an increase in human trafficking - because he's not doing anything to reduce the demand for cheap labour, which is what keeps them coming in.

i've been clear that i think they need to crack down on businesses that carry out illegal hiring practices and better enforce labour regulations. it's a very standard left-wing position.

but, i don't think anybody should get deported (unless they're a criminal). it doesn't accomplish anything, it's just empty draconianism.
