Tuesday, February 21, 2017

see, this is a typically bizarre story by the tory media in canada, who seem to have no concept of the national interest at all.

it is falling all over itself to ensure that the government of ontario cede it's sovereignty to a nafta kangaroo court and pay out $30 million of taxpayer money to a consortium of foreign investors for the crime of cancelling an unnecessary project. it even goes so far as to suggest this is not the right time to challenge whether nafta is working "as it should".

it's absurd.

i will agree that this is, in fact, nafta working "as it should" - and that it is a catastrophe. if the tory media had any concept of a canadian national interest, it would cite the case as an example of what is wrong with nafta and what needs to be removed from the agreement. i would like to see ontario take a stand, here, and demand that the federal government revisit chapter 11 in any upcoming renegotiations. these parasites don't deserve a fucking dime.

but, apparently, it's more interested in writing blank cheques to wall street bankers, at the expense of our treasury.
