Sunday, February 5, 2017

if i was a modern nihilist republican, i'd probably jump at the opportunity to kick california out of the country.

i've made this argument before: canadians lean overwhelmingly democrat, although you have to realize that it's entirely cynical. we're not actually democrats, we just can't stand the republicans. but, that's exactly why we're so much safer under a republican administration. canadians are in the end kind of fatalist about our eventual annexation by the united states; we value our sovereignty, but we can see the reality in front of us. let me be clear: it will not be a republican that annexes canada. they'd be annexing away the presidency for at least a generation, and probably sentencing themselves to single payer health care.

for the same reason, the republicans have to look at a map and conclude that they'd love to expel california. and, what other outcome could the president have in mind when he threatens to withhold federal funds from the single largest contributor to the treasury?

that lincoln fetish might be more accurate than anybody realized.

....although, realize that that comes from somebody that thinks that lincoln was actually a bumbling nincompoop that launched an unnecessary war that needlessly killed millions (and knows that he never intended to abolish slavery, and that it wasn't actually an outcome of the war - that this is all myth).

it's a scary thought. but the american mythology is just that. and, the country is due for a civil war.