Sunday, February 5, 2017

i was legitimately planning on heading to the show tonight. the vocals did start to get a little grating, as expected, but i haven't been out in a while and it was supposed to be nice out tonight, so it was kind of just meant as an excuse to get out of the house...

when i double checked the forecast last night, i learned that the cold front was coming in a few hours early. that meant that what i was expecting to be a mild walk a few degrees above freezing was instead going to be a walk through a punishing north wind, and i pretty much decided against it at that moment. i'd be dealing with a -15 windchill for the final leg. yuck. my blankie is far more inviting than that...

i could have decided otherwise if they shifted the weather a third time at the last minute, and these late winter blizzards can end up that way more often than not. see, you've got these warm pacific air masses clashing with these outbursts of arctic air, and when they really clash it becomes hard to predict which one is going to overpower. the weather forecast could, in the end, just simply be wrong: we might end up with a nice night, after all.

but, then i slept in.

worse, i was really only interested in the second band, and would have probably left a few minutes into the headliner. in situations like that, i will give the headliner a chance, but it just never works out. even if i wanted to brave the weather (and i don't....), it's too late to get going.

this is what i'm missing:

as mentioned, it was more experiential: a night out. i'm not really a fan, and this is quite a ways out of my normal sphere of interest. i'll survive.

the cloud nothings show on tuesday is closer to my normal area of musical interest.

i was supposed to clean some time this weekend and haven't yet. i guess that will need to happen soon. but i need to eat. and i guess i'll just get back to the rebuild for the rest of the night.