Thursday, March 9, 2017

and, fwiw, i'd be lying if i told you i haven't had an erection in years, but i'd be honest if i told you i haven't wanted to have an erection in years - and i'd be honest if i told you that the only erections i've had in years are nrbs.

they come and go when i'm like washing the dishes or reading the news or something, and my only reaction almost all of the time is to curse it as an annoyance and go pop another cyproterone.

and, what is cyproterone? well, there's a few different testosterone suppressors that i could be using, but i use the cyproterone because it's covered on the disability drug plan. the reason it's covered is that it's sometimes prescribed as a way to chemically castrate sex offenders.

that's right - i take a drug that is covered by public drug insurance to reduce the sex drive of pedophiles and rapists. and, i do it by choice.

it works, too - i am almost impossible to arouse on purpose. they really only come randomly, and only in terms of an annoyance.

that said, i do still have sex dreams from time to time and this is the only circumstance where i may actually orgasm. but, here's the thing: i'm chemically castrated. so, i'm not producing sperm. so, when i orgasm, i don't ejaculate.

that's right: i cannot cum. it is not physically possible for me to do so, when i am taking heavy-duty testosterone suppressors. that's what the suppressors actually do: they make it almost impossible to arouse me, and literally impossible for me to ejaculate.

so, what was that that you were saying?