Tuesday, March 21, 2017

because what the world needs is more k-tards.

what the actual fuck?

they describe it as a "popular club drug". right. ahahahaha.....

k-tards, in fact, tend to hang out in backyards. they may intend to make it to the club, but never do because they can't figure out how to tie their shoelaces. they may from time to time have such a difficult time that they trip on the way there, and spend the rest of the night in the ditch.

on the rare occasions that they do make it to the club, they can usually be seen congregating in small groups of men (general attire: basketball shirts & backwards hats) and talking about video games.

the article should say "universally acknowledged drug for complete losers".

next, they'll be prescribing meth. because that's what the really, really cool kids are into: meth.
