Saturday, March 25, 2017

i'm actually a little bit shocked that the media is giving time to somebody that is arguing against laws that restrict driving under the influence of marijuana.

i present myself as an expert on all things, but of all of the things i'm an expert on, being stoned is one of the things i'm most qualified to talk about. when you're stoned, something that happens is that you experience a delay in reaction time. maybe you've seen this presented to you in movies - this kind of memetic joke of a burnout taking a few seconds to react (and then speaking slowly), or the ritual of waving to a space cadet to bring them back from staring at the wall. this is a realistic portrayal of the effects of marijuana.

the delay in reaction time that marijuana produces, combined with the fact that most people only require a puff to get stoned, should actually imply an almost zero-tolerance position. you should never drive when you're stoned.

marijuana is not a medicine, and i actually really hope that legalization negates all of the absurd talk that it is. i mean, people used to refer to alcohol as medicinal 100 years ago, too, as absurd as that seems, today. but, even a bottle of cough syrup tells you not to drive under the influence. this isn't singling them out.

marijuana advocates need to be aware of how absurd these arguments are to the general public (and how wrong they are, too) and distant themselves from them.