Saturday, March 25, 2017

trump's statement about the democrats owning obamacare is the correct analysis, on this: he's right. they own this. it's theirs.

personally, i would have hoped that at least a couple of democrats would have voted to tear obamacare down with the aim of campaigning on single payer. but, there wasn't the slightest bit of support for that position.

we are now left to conclude that the democrats do not support single payer. they support obamacare. this is the position of the democratic party, and there is no discernible opposition to it.

so, the republicans now get to stand back and watch the party tear itself up over it - because voters that reject obamacare, and insist on single payer, can no longer deceive themselves into thinking that this position is held by the democrats, or that voting for the democrats is going to lead to universal health care coverage as an outcome. you vote democrat, you get obamacare.

this is what i dreaded.

trump just tossed the potato into the democratic primaries. and, leftist democrats should now be making it a priority to target representatives that refused to stand up for single payer.