Friday, March 10, 2017

people still think i'm just being silly when i say i don't want kids.

but, i told you that when i was 15, and i told you that when i was 20, and i told you that when i was 25 and i told you that when i was 30, and i told you that when i was 35, too...

still. supposedly, i'll "grow up" one day and recognize the value of enslaving myself to something i don't remotely care about for the rest of my fucking life. it will just suddenly make sense, this complete loss of autonomy, this embrace of a remaining existence of endless, thankless labour.

do you know what would have happened had i managed to fuck up badly enough to actually have kids? honestly? truly? i'd almost certainly be in jail right now, either for trying to duck out of paying child support or for flat out child abandonment. again: did you think i was just being ironic when i told you over and over and over again, or what? and, is it starting to sink in yet?

i mean, it's not like i told you when i was younger that i wanted kids one day. this is a decision that i made when i was like 12, and have never had a second thought about. there was never any time where i wavered on this.

so, no - i'm not going to bother freezing sperm before i get the orchiectomy, because i'm absolutely certain that i'm never going to want to raise them.

just about the only thing that's likely to ever change my mind about this is the abolition of mortality. if we could find a way to get real immortality - and i don't mean the retarded kind of thing that you hear idiot christians talk about, i mean actual, legit immortality - then wasting a couple of years raising kids wouldn't be throwing your life away to benefit your capitalist slavemasters.

until that point happens, i'm sorry - having kids is just about the dumbest, most irrational thing you could possibly subject yourself to.