Friday, March 10, 2017

this bill is actually largely symbolic, as very few canadians have or want private health insurance. and, i've scolded the ndp for standing up for a bill that only affects upper class canadians - not because i'm opposed to it, but because it's a wrong-headed priority and a waste of valuable house time. i know that it's easy to look in from outside the country and want to support a bill that reins in insurance companies, and it's easy to build the narrative that trudeau is acting in the interests of the insurance companies (and you'd even be right....), but you're missing the point that the only people that have private insurance plans in this country are high level executives of multinational corporations. again: my irritation was that the ndp were wasting their time on this. i didn't really offer a position, because it's not a relevant issue for 99% of us.

some of the provinces in canada even ban private health insurance as illegal.

what i'm more interested in is the caucus revolt. i've been talking about this as something that is necessary for a while: as much as the rest of the world is in love with justin trudeau, he has demonstrated himself as being on the right-wing neo-liberal fringe of a party with a history of leaning strongly towards democratic socialism, operating in the interests of questionable benefactors and with a clear tactical prerogative of trying to appeal to conservative voters.

will it expand further, or will it contain itself?