Saturday, April 1, 2017

also, i've barely slept since tuesday. am i stressed out, or wired from the vinegar? hear me out...

this is speculative.

but, if you pump your body full of vinegar (i am unclear how this scenario would change in the catalyst of piss), what you're doing is saturating your body with the chemical that kickstarts the process that produces energy in your body.

it's probably not going to work if you drink it. and, you obviously want to avoid snorting vinegar. but, there's some logic to inhaling it from a certain distance, and expecting it to keep you wired for long periods. it's probably the only way it would work, because it's going right into the bloodstream.

acidosis? hrmmn.

i've tried to force myself to sleep and truly cannot, and i'm not zombified - i'm actually very alert. so, i could be stressed out and wired due to it, but this seems like more than that.

it's an interesting suggested experiment, anyways. but, now i'm worried about the ph of my blood...