Saturday, April 1, 2017

marijuana users aren't generally bad students. i mean, they might be, or they might not be. most of them will be average students. it's hard to study this right now, but i'd expect a bell curve.

what the article is missing is that the current reality is that apprehending kids for being stoned requires calling the cops, because it's a controlled substance. do you want to do that to the A student in the back that has anxiety issues and has difficulty meeting friends?

i went to a catholic school, which meant i had to take a religion course every year. there was one semester where they scheduled the class right after lunch. i ended up attending that class stoned fairly regularly. the teacher was aware, and sometimes gave me concerning glances, but he made it clear to me that he wasn't going to address the issue for that precise reason. and, he gave me an A at the end of it.

i'm maybe a bad test case, because i was never a heavy user. but, i could have been struggling. and, he wouldn't have intervened when he should have.

removing the stigma will allow for greater options.