Monday, April 24, 2017

but, jfk was a misogynistic, racist, mentally unstable, right-wing war criminal. he reflects american "liberalism" fairly well - in the sense that american "liberalism" is what they call conservatism everywhere else in the world. but, i expect far better from the french than to look up to an american psychopath from midway into the last century.

the worst part about the jfk assassination is that it prevented him from being tried at the hague.

the left split the vote. melenchon's numbers came up a little at the end, but not enough. it's hard to understand why you'd vote for hamon when you know he's trailing melenchon by over 10%, and you have a legitimate chance at winning an election. but, it's hardly the first time this has happened, either. it's just irrational behaviour.

if the french elite want to make this about the establishment versus the people, which probably isn't even accurate because on aggregate le pen probably doesn't represent the people any more than macron does, they should not be surprised when people react poorly to the messaging. but, that's exactly what you're going to see - every kind of banker is going to line up behind this guy and expect that voters follow their lead.

le pen is a puppet of the kremlin. she can't win. but, the french have clearly lost.