Monday, April 24, 2017

if le pen wants to win this, or at least make the vote rigging obvious enough that it cannot be reasonably denied, she needs to make the election a referendum on neo-liberalism and german austerity. that means that she needs to aggressively frame the issue on those terms.

if she frames macron as an out of touch, elitist banker working solely in the interests of the parasitic investor class, she has a chance - because it is true, and because she can credibly claim to protect the welfare state and general interests of the french working class.

if she makes the election about "security" or "terrorism", she will lose. she should avoid this.

and, no jews.

no jews.

she should embrace the very narrative that the establishment wants to use against her, and turn it around on them.

i want to be clear that there isn't a good choice here. but, le pen will probably do less long term damage to the french economy than macron will. this is a lesser evil calculation. if you look into it a little more closely, perhaps you may be surprised to realize you agree with me.