Tuesday, May 30, 2017

i've made clear what i'm looking for, but i'll be that much more terse: give me a space that offers a dance floor until 8:00 on sunday mornings and lets people flail around as much as they want, so long as they don't get into anybody's face.

the only rule you need is the non-aggression principle.

i'm not going to buy energy drinks, because they contain testosterone. i probably won't buy water, either. but, i'll be glad to get a coffee on the way out. and, i'd take a shot of espresso at 4:19 if it was there for me to take, too.

that's something i can't grasp: of all the all night parties i've been to, i've never found one that sells coffee. they sell red bull. why not coffee?

it ought to be the most obvious thing. there ought to one on every corner. surely, there ought to be one somewhere in detroit....