Friday, September 15, 2017

i've been clear, repeatedly, that my apprehensions about immigration are solely due to fears that the elite wants to use it as a social engineering tool to make the country more right-wing, more conservative & more religious - because these are the qualities that capital romanticizes: industriousness, hard work, obeyance, etc. this is not the society i want, and i'm willing to stand up and say it.

it's classic marxist theory to explain the elite's support for social engineering policies to increase the prevalence of religion as a tool to further the aims of capital. it's literally right out of marx (and maybe more so right out of engels).

but, i am not a worker, exactly - i'm an artist. and, i realize that workers have real concerns about reserve armies. it's actually a market argument - and it's again right out of marx.

i've explained before that the solution is enforcing labour laws to take away the ability of capital to take advantage of the system of undocumented labour. but, the racial undertones the status quo promotes aren't going away, either.