good news and bad news.
the bad news is that i just lost my screen on my backup laptop. it's been flickering for a few days. so it's not unexpected. and i can see the screen if i look closely enough, so it seems to just be the light that's out. this is essentially the same thing that happened to my main laptop, so i'm suspecting that it's a power issue in the unit. i may learn, once i've moved, that a lot of the problems i've been having down here are from bad wiring.
when i rebuild my access point, it's going to be on a desktop. but, i'm going to need to have a laptop of some sort. i was hoping it would be this one...i'll have to see what it costs to fix it...
for right now, there's not much to do besides send the signal out to a monitor.
the good news is that i'm finished with inri061 and will be spending the rest of the night doing the write-up for it, with the intent to ship in the afternoon.
jagmeet singh must cut his beard.