Sunday, November 19, 2017

i don't know anything about hollywood. so, i don't know who is being targetted here and who is legitimately guilty of something.

i'd never heard of harvey weinstein before. but, these accusations seem pretty substantial, and pretty cross-referenced.

i know who kevin spacey is from his work in the 90s, but i've never seen house of cards before. i've heard of it by title only. i've never taken the time to look into what it's about. and, i don't have friends, or a job, so i don't even have the benefit of overhearing people talk about it. i don't know what the topic of the show is, or what kind of character spacey plays. might powerful people want to get rid of this? i just simply don't know about this. i know that this is a disappointing way to lose kevin spacey. and, i assumed he was probably gay, but didn't really know.

i recognize george takei from his twitter activism and, of course, from his years on star trek. george takei is certainly somebody that certain people would want to get rid of.

and, i recognize franken through both of his careers, and realize he would truly be public enemy #1 to the existing political establishment. he is somebody that certain people would manufacture a situation around, without question.

i doubt that this is the end of this. but, i need to request that people be sober in their analyses. this is a golden opportunity to take people down. and, we all have a responsibility to weigh the evidence in front of us carefully, and not jump to conclusions.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.