Monday, November 27, 2017

i was actually vocally unimpressed by elizabeth warren's work in setting up a ready-made institution for capture, with the cpfb. these things always end the same way.

if you set up a bureau to regulate fox access to the hen house, you can be guaranteed that it will be taken over by foxes within the decade. it doesn't matter what it is. it's really the last thing you want to do, if you want to hold people accountable - because the history is so crystal clear on the point. any financial protection bureau will inevitably become the banker protection bureau. and, then what you've done is give them a tool to further their own power with.

i know there were people pointing to this as the reason elizabeth warren should have run for president, but in my mind there were only two possible explanations: (1) this was designed for eventual takeover by the banking industry or (2) it's an example of extremely poor judgement. either way, it struck me as disqualifying.

but, that's why i'm an anarchist, and not a "progressive".

i don't think you get around a system of exploitation by policing the people with power. i think you have to tear the system down, and you're just running on a hamster wheel until you figure it out.

we'll actually be lucky if trump dismantles this. that's the least damaging outcome.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.