Sunday, January 7, 2018

israel is really behaving foolishly in reaction to this jerusalem recognition thing. i cautiously supported the declaration because it's just a recognition of reality - it doesn't actually mean anything for the united states to present it's opinion about sovereignty to the united nations if the united nations doesn't want to hear it, and it's doubly irrelevant if the united nations doesn't want to look at the reality on the ground and just insists on passing fantasy legislation, instead. i mean, the other option is to be dishonest. it really is. and, i guess i realized that it would embolden the israelis somewhat, but i didn't expect them to go full retard.

israel is constantly failing to live up to the basic expectations of a modern, civilized country. perhaps it's worth questioning if they actually are one.

an obvious corollary of official israeli control over jerusalem would need to be full citizenship rights for all of the arabs that live there, including religious rights and mobility rights. it's such an obvious corollary that it defies imagination that the israelis might reject it - and yet they are even acting pro-actively to prevent the necessity of it by removing these residents from their homes. a presidential statement of official recognition is not a get-out-of-international-law-free card. this is all absurdly illegal.

when i said i accepted the reality of israeli control over jerusalem, it certainly came with this obvious corollary, and others - that any recognition of israeli control over the west bank comes with the obvious corollary of full citizenship, as well, for example.

the best hope for the palestinians right now is the israeli courts. there should be international pressure put on israel to accept this citizenship.

and, those cuts to unrwa might be the proper incentive.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.