Wednesday, March 14, 2018


your vision of a pluralistic, liberal utopia is nonsense.

brown people don't want this. not muslims, not hindus, not sikhs - not anybody else. leftists don't want this. not anarchists, not socialists and not even liberals, either. market advocates don't want this. queers don't want this. christians don't want this.

nobody wants this.

the only people that want this are burkean conservatives - because the vision of pluralistic liberalism is in truth the same thing as the vision of class harmony.

but, the divisions are collapsing.

white people abandoned conservatism generations ago; the conservative block of the future is first and second generation religious conservatives and free market advocates. ford is going to realign this.

and, the new liberal base is educated white atheists that think markets are empty intellectual abstractions.

get with it, or be swept aside.

because nobody wants what anybody's been selling.