Wednesday, March 14, 2018

so, how's this for a real world choice.

party A - you can buy it at the corner store, and smoke it wherever you want.
party B - you can only buy it at specific places with restricted hours, and you're not allowed to smoke it inside.

i'd actually go with party B. keeping it out of my breathing space is more important to me than liberalizing access.

unfortunately, the liberal party position is that you can only buy it at specific places with restricted hours, and you're obligated to smoke it inside - which i disagree with on both planks. i think everybody was expecting the conservatives to offer minimal changes on this policy, so i was hoping this wouldn't be a ballot issue.

i will not be voting for doug ford in this election. i have too many disagreements with him.

but, let's hope the ndp have a better set of ideas than the liberals do, on this.