Thursday, May 31, 2018

corporate tax rates have never been demonstrated to have any effect on job creation or the broader economy at all, whatsoever. that's some class a flunkie harpernomics, is what that is.

kathleen wynne knows better than this. why is she doing this to herself?

this is one of those political questions that an empirical analyses tends to write off as irrelevant. horwath's plan to boost the tax rate by a single measly percent is likely to help in servicing the debt and have little other consequence, but do you want to help service the debt? why? i don't mind paying out interest on bonds to seniors. if you're going to cut that, you need to shift money into social services, and she's doing it. but, this is all just juggling, really, to try to appeal to a somewhat shallow understanding of things. this is just pointless emotional masturbation, at the end of the day: maybe it makes somebody feel good to stick it to the banks by voting for a 1% tax increase, or it makes somebody feel good to stand up for "free enterprise" by rejecting that.

but, there will not be any measurable consequence, one way or the other. it's just an empty endorphin rush.

i must have a personal preference? no. i'm a robot. if there's no consequence, it doesn't matter. but, some of the lateral movements might matter - you might prefer things juggled a specific way.

i have no interest in the topic.