Thursday, May 31, 2018

is canada a national security threat to the united states?

i can think of one thing, and you need to use this funny corporate logic about lost profits again, and that comes down to the oil exports.

i've made many arguments over many years that the americans consider canada's oil resources to be a strategic asset that belongs to them, and that they view any effort to export it as a threat. further, they consider the reserve to be of longterm strategic importance. that is, they wish to save our oil for later.

from the perspective of america's leadership, all of the pipelines and all of the geography and all of the export destinations are to be interpreted strictly through a national security filter around access to a strategic resource, rather than through an environmental filter or even through a profit motive. and, you know america is serious about something when it's more important than profits for shareholders.

if you think i'm crazy, mentally remove yourself from your body and float over north america for a moment. look out at the chaos and dominance projected by american hard power for the purpose of controlling the flow of oil. look at the bloodshed. look at the violence. look at the destruction of property. and, ask yourself: would america merely shrug as canada twins pipelines to export a resource it considers it's own to it's dominant competitor, in china?

and, who are these political leaders in canada facilitating this?

it's funny corporate logic. but, it's real, if you're in the pentagon, or the state department - or the white house.