Wednesday, June 27, 2018

twitter is simply not a representative sample of the population. and, it's not hard to see the bias built in to a groupthink service with a character restriction. the right thinker here is gramsci.

twitter is irrelevant, except as a parroting of what's being pushed down by the status quo.

but, in the broader scheme of things, the lesson the liberals need to learn before it's too late is that they need to stop trying to be fucking democrats. canada is not california. and the liberal party is not the democratic party. it has a different history, different values, different voters...

i think i'm wasting my bytes, here, though. yet, note - in the end, a good analysis of the situation will be that the liberal party was taken over by bourgeois millennials that spent most of their 20s in the united states and completely lost touch with their own voters.

the key part of voter renewal in the liberal party is going to be remembering that they're not democrats.