Wednesday, June 27, 2018

this trudeau groping thing...

i don't know the facts. but, i think the political analysis is off base, and there's even an opportunity for trudeau to stand up and be an actual liberal, here.

to begin with, the canadian equivalents of the militant components of the #metoo movement in the united states would mostly reject voting liberal in canada, a priori. these would be partisan new democrats, mostly - or maybe activists that often lean green. as we don't really have much of an analogue to the republican party in canada, a lot of people that call themselves "progressives" in the united states would actually just be conservatives in canada. so, this idea that he should be fearful of a kneejerk reaction is really reading the spectrum wrong.

the contrast between al franken & that...i don't know the other guy's name...but, that contrast was guffawed at a few months ago in the united states. how did al franken get sacked by his own party over what were really undefined allegations - just suggestions of possible wrong doing - while this republican guy admits being a paedophile and everybody shrugs? an outrageous juxtaposition? sure. and, a naive understanding of the canadian spectrum would suggest the liberals would take out the knives while the conservatives collectively shrugged...

yet, it was patrick brown and erin weir that got taken down from the inside on largely frivolous charges, and kent hehr that remains in caucus over something that sounded a little more concerning.

canadian liberals don't tend to be self-righteous, or into fire & brimstone as punishment the way that "progressive" democrats are. and, i'd actually like to hear trudeau stand up and clarify that difference.

i don't know what happened. but, he's better off with a mea culpa than a denial. and, while it is no doubt true that he'll get nailed by both parties, i think canadians will forgive him for it.