Wednesday, July 25, 2018

i mean, you have to understand that a lot of these kids are actually coming from countries where they have free tuition for kids that belong in the university system.

when i say that they can't get in anywhere else, understand that the first place they got rejected from is their country's own education systems; if the systems in china or india or wherever else they're coming from thought these were quality students, they would have retained them in their home countries, and sent them to school for as long as they wanted to go for free.

when you see a kid coming in from these countries, that's the first thing to understand: their own government rejected them, first.

so, they end up at a diploma mill at the centre of the heartland's industrial decay, because they can't get in anywhere else. which is, whatever. i don't care on the face of it.

but, they're fucking up the rental market by sitting on all of the low income housing, and even warping supply to fit their demand.

can i get my ruling soon, please?

i think it's becoming obvious that i'm getting out of here.